
The Application of Police Patrol Bicycle in Contemporary Policing

2016-12-25 23:43:58
Source:Shenzhen JinDun police equipment co., LTD    Author:Admin    Visit:768
Nowadays, when people are overwhelmed by high maintenance costs and high fuel costs, when the vehicle exhaust pollution of the environment, a threat to people's health, the value of the bike has been Reconsidered, the bicycle once again with a new attitude to re-enter the stage of history. And especially worth mentioning is that bicycles on stage in the history of the "stage" to show many new features, especially bicycle as a means of transport in the new era of police work has played a huge role.

First, the application of bicycles in contemporary police needs

(A) the current situation of China's security situation

Since the reform and opening up, three decades of vicissitudes, China's cities in the economic and social aspects have undergone enormous changes. By 2006, the urban population of China was almost 600 million, accounting for nearly 45% of China's total population. [1] Although it is a great achievement in the process of urbanization in China, this data also shows that such a huge urban population, Stage of urban security work to bring new challenges.

On the one hand, changes in the urban population structure poses new challenges to public security work. Since the 1980s, one of the most important changes in Chinese society has been the movement of people from rural to urban migration, according to the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) in 2006, when China's migrant population was 147.35 million. [2] The floating population makes great contribution to social development, while some people go astray for some reason, to bring many new social security risks. Especially in the past two years, the financial crisis spread to the world, China's economic development affected, the unemployed may be increased in the short term. "Warehouse honesty and know etiquette," the needs of people in the case of not being met, it is most likely to make deviant behavior, and even criminal acts.

On the other hand, the change of urban spatial structure puts forward new demands to the work of public security. At this stage, there are many public security "dead ends" in urban communities, including the city's main commercial street, where crowds of people are highly congested, community streets and sub-roads, areas where motor vehicles can not access, and small and crowded urban villages , As well as parks and other crowded places, etc. These areas are common features of the human physical space is generally small, terrain and road conditions are complex, criminals easy to hide and escape, and now the city's security personnel because of poor motor vehicle flexibility Can not respond to events in these areas in a timely manner, often missing the best time to arrest and pursue the perpetrators. This change in the urban spatial structure caused by the new requirements of social order, is torturing our police patrol system.

(B) the lack of existing security patrols

From the reality of the situation, China's police patrols in the patrols and patrols in the coverage of the mechanism has made significant progress and development. However, there are still a lot of work to be done in order to build the patrol system of the government's reassurance and the people's satisfaction. The reason is that the existing security patrols have their essential shortcomings. I believe that the main performance of the following points:

First, the lack of motor vehicle patrols. As mentioned above, China's current security patrol work there is "dead", mainly some people, vehicles, or a small area of congestion, motor vehicle can not carry out patrols; In addition, whether it is cars, motorcycles or new electric bike There are fuel consumption, power consumption and other shortcomings of high social costs. Therefore, in summary, motor vehicle patrols are mainly due to lack of flexibility, lack of mobility and high social costs.

Second, the lack of foot patrol. Pedestrian patrol can make up for the lack of flexibility and social cost of motor vehicle patrol, but we should also see that walking patrol also has its own shortcomings. First, the police patrol pedestrian risk factor increased, often by the car "bruised"; Second, in case of criminal law and order, police are also difficult to further tracking and arrest. In general, walking patrols are only suitable for local areas, and has its own risk coefficient, the police speed is slow and other defects.

In addition, there is a walk patrol, police officers equipped with police patrols, but as mentioned above, or not overcome the inherent deficiencies in the previous two ways and defects, and thus doomed the three methods can only apply to local areas Can not be extended to the entire city.

Therefore, we should follow the innovative patrol service mode and the establishment of full-time bike patrol team requirements, promote urban patrol work into a new era, give full play to the bike patrol in the social security control system in the core support role. [3]

Second, the bike in the application of contemporary police advantage

Motor vehicles, walking or even equipped with three kinds of police dogs patrol the way of the lack of new law and order are patrol, that is, bike patrol. Bicycle in its own advantage, so that at this stage of the police work should occupy a place, should be our attention. Unlike ordinary bicycles, there are lights, siren, toolbox and other equipment. Police bike equipped with a wireless walkie-talkie and other equipment, you can easily contact, sirens and warning lights have a warning effect, each bike has a fixed number, by the number of dedicated police use.

Especially now that the widespread use of LED lights for police work has brought a lot of convenience, and cost savings. Characteristics of LED lights Long life (life expectancy of more than 100,000 hours), in the parking law enforcement without starting the engine power supply. Some people had such an account: a car according to the average hourly parking law enforcement, 30 days per month, the car fuel consumption per hour idle 3 liters per liter of gasoline by the lowest 4 yuan estimate, this can save fuel costs per month 360 Yuan, a car to save fuel consumption 4320 yuan per year. LED lights with low power consumption, long life advantages of its current police work to be widely used. For example, in early May last year, Shenzhen Longhua Branch of the organization of the police station in the overall context of the promotion of "new lights project." At present, 500 with LED lights bicycles, as 500 mobile warning lights, stationed in the important sections of the region, key parts, constitute a flashing control network, a night of a beautiful landscape.

(A) the convenience of bicycles for police work

In the daily life of ordinary people, bicycles as an "old" means of transport and return to public transport. At this stage, especially in police work, the advantages of bicycles successfully overcome the lack of motor vehicles and pedestrian patrols, it brings a lot of convenience for police work.

First, increased maneuverability and flexibility while improving efficiency. Bicycle can go to the car can not go to the security patrol "dead", flexible, to facilitate public help. It is reported that Tai'an City, Shandong Province, 200 police officers riding a bicycle equipped with LED flash lights in the streets patrolling. They are quick maneuver, at any time for the masses to carry out service relief work to make up for the police car difficult to reach the security blind spot, maintaining the area safe and stable. According to statistics, the city bike patrol duty section "two robbery and one theft" case down 25%, serving the masses 207 times, narrowing the distance between the police and the public at the same time, improve the security patrol efficiency.

Second, the social cost is low, energy saving and environmental protection. Bike patrol green traffic-oriented significance can not be discounted. According to media reports, since November last year, Bao'an District, Shenzhen City Guanlan street in the area to carry out a joint operation of green law and order patrols, with 1000 green patrol bike to replace the original motorcycle patrol car. This initiative can save nearly 3 million yuan a year, and reduce emissions of about 36 tons of carbon dioxide. July 20, 2012 20, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, Tianhe Branch of the Public Security Bureau in Tianhe Sports Center, South Square, held a thousand police bike road launch ceremony. Nearly 500 police, auxiliary police and social security forces composed of police bicycle team, will be carried out in the area seamless, full coverage of the patrol prevention and control. [4] These cases clearly illustrate, bicycles and motor vehicles, especially motorcycles, compared with the low social cost advantages, in line with the green trend of the times.

(B) of the far-reaching significance of the use of bicycles in the police

Bicycle used in police work, in addition to the police to bring a lot of convenience, but also on China's security patrol work, and even far-reaching economic and social development.

First, deter criminals, close to the masses. Police officers on bicycles patrolling the streets at a lower speed may have a deterrent effect on criminals. In the event of criminal acts, the masses can at any time to the police for help. This will greatly narrow the distance between the masses and the police, to the people to eat a "reassurance."

In 2010, the Shenzhen Municipal Public Security Bureau Futian Branch 1800 bikes were officially assigned to the community police, patrol members and the village security team members in the hands of the bike patrol became the police patrols a common way. Patrols to improve social order, deter crime, the effect is obvious. Over the past year, Futian District, two cases of robbery on the road than the same period last year dropped 40%.

2012 Longhua Public Security Bureau implemented: "new lights project" to buy 500 intelligent police bike, the new police by optimizing the dynamic patrol service model, to explore the construction of the police guard, new lights, police tents, armed card points , Mobile police vehicles and patrol point "point line surface" integrated pavement prevention and control system. The robbery, robbery, robbery, flying robbery were down 45%, 47.5%, 57.2%, respectively. The number of criminal cases dropped by 24.9% year on year. %, 66.3%.

From the end of July 2012, Tianhe District to the region's community police and Auxiliary Police assigned more than a thousand bicycles for community and street security patrols. "Bicycle Patrol" Six months, community policing, criminal police intelligence have achieved double-digit year-on-year decline. In the Tianhe region, flashing police bicycles on the criminal activities of deterrence can be described as immediate. Data show that the past six months, Tianhe District, the total police intelligence fell by about 6%, criminal police fell 3.6%, police fell 14.5%, especially the serious impact on public security "robbed" police fell 20.5 %, Burglary alarm situation also fell 11.7%.

Second, to ensure a happy life, to create a harmonious community. The purpose of public security patrol work is for the people, for thousands of families to provide security, enhance people's happiness. Through the bike patrol, you can completely remove the law and order in the "dead" and create a people happy, community harmony, social well-being of the good environment.

August 25, 2011, "Nanfang Daily" reported: 7:30 every night, the old Luo pushing a flashing warning lights on time bike out of the district security team's door, he will perform a night patrol on the bike until the morning Of 6:30. In the town of Dongguan City Road, North Village, Taurus Jinniu Village, this bike riding a patrol of the district residents have been praised the residents, the general reaction is that they have more at ease the evening.

Third, the bicycle in the domestic and foreign police in the application status

(1) The application of bicycles in foreign police affairs

Bicycle patrols are still used in many countries. This approach has been welcomed by many policymakers from developed countries because of their low economic costs and their ability to maintain contact with the public and have the advantages of flexibility, energy saving and environmental protection.

In the United States, from the 80s of the last century to the 1990s, the police throughout the United States have introduced a variety of uses of bicycles. However, in 2001 the "9.11" terrorist attacks, the US police again changed to patrol the car. This year, gasoline prices soaring, many police department budget tight, in order to save money, the United States around the bike patrol police are increasing.

In Japan, people contact with the police is the most common streets of the city can be seen everywhere "cross." These "cross" are generally only two rooms, two or three police facilities are simple: a desk, a telephone and a bed for a short break at night. In addition to a very small number of police cars, the vast majority of "cross" work of the police are riding a special bike to patrol or deal with the incident, which is the unique Japanese street scenery.

In South Africa, the face of severe social security situation, the police manpower, equipment is relatively backward, the public complained that the police arrived at the scene after receiving the report is too slow. In August 2006, the South African Police Service advised the police to ride a bike to the crime scene to address the lack of police equipment and slow response. And since the beginning of this year, the South African government in the 2010 World Cup venue area to increase a large number of bicycle patrols, because if the walk patrol around 20 minutes a week at the fastest, and cycling as long as 35 minutes to patrol a week.

In short, foreign police work, the bicycle as a new way of patrol, is more and more attention. Bicycles have been growing rapidly in the police sector over the past decade, with more than 8,000 police departments in the United States, Canada, Australia, Iceland and Russia, according to the International Bicycle Police Association. [5]

(B) the application of bicycles in the domestic police

China's police work in the bike as a patrol way, in the past is not uncommon, even in China's police patrols the main way. However, due to the rapid economic development, since the reform and opening up, bicycle patrol was soon replaced by motor vehicle patrols. However, in recent years, bicycle patrols in China are being re-used by policemen in China with the advantages of flexible mobility, low cost and environmental protection.

For example, for the Shenzhen urban traffic volume, traffic is complex, the city of honey honey lake police station "new tactics". The security squadron for the introduction of security 16 bikes, each equipped with LED lights, for security guard patrol purposes. The relevant official said, the use of police patrols and bikes prevention and control, which is the first in Shenzhen. On the one hand, the use of bicycles can make the police station in the traffic jam or narrow roadway into the case of police cars quickly rushed to the scene, on the other hand can also make security officers closer to the masses, enhance the control of the shock force.

In addition, in Guangzhou, Dongshan District, the police contact their own situation, taking into account the Dongshan District is an old city, the house built more dense, there are a lot of narrow alleys stone steps, stone sill, not to mention the police cars get in, and sometimes even Patrol the motorcycles are not open. However, if walking patrol, the day down also can not walk a few communities. After investigation, Dongshan District, the police eventually selected a wider popularity, the price is relatively low and no noise pollution of the bike. This year in September, the bike officially became the Dongshan District of police equipment.

There are in Beijing, Guangzhou, Shenyang, Xi'an and other cities in the bike patrol has been formed, and by the majority of the people of the high praise and welcome. Moreover, the bicycle patrol not only in China's urban communities, in some small towns and even rural communities, bicycle patrol as "security guards" also brought security to the people. From the understanding of the situation, at this stage, the application areas of bicycle patrol is gradually expanding, the momentum is very rapid, can be expected in the near future, bicycle design innovation in its own, based on the prospect of police work will More broad.